自治Lab Phygital Abstraction Conceptual Framework (Rev #9, changes)

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Phygital Abstraction Conceptual Framework (PACF) is a formal framework that is used to characterize the meaning of phygital object and the entailment relations among phygital environment containing them, they give a detailed account on how phygital abstractions provide some of the conceptual principles that a grounding of phygital concepts.

The PACF itself is just a formal tool. To develop a

<phygital> for <borderless>, a framework must do three things: (i) explain what exactly the proposed internal structure of phygital object represent, (ii) explain the rules for assigning phygital object values to a person’s</borderless></phygital>

The most widely applications of PACF target <> <> rules governing context-dependent application, which pick out different things depending on the context in which the phygital object is used, such applications of PACF are intended to systematize and explain uncontroversial aspects of concept “phygital”.


We defines an Phygital Abstraction as a condensed redescription of phygital and perceptual experience for the purpose of mapping spatial-temporal structures onto conceptual structure represented as a recurring, dynamic pattern of our perceptual interactions that gives coherence and structure to our experience.

In this setting we considers implementation of phygital abstraction as the family structures of object relations in constructed phygital enveronment.

Formal Framework for Phygital Abstraction

Common Phygital Abstractions and Their Definitions

Levels of hierarchy

We present a three level hierarchy of phygital abstracion: (1) ‘Spatial primitives’: basic spatial building blocks, (2) ‘Phygital Events’: simple spatial events using the primitives, and (3) ‘conceptual integrations’: phygital abstraction combinded with non-spatial elements such as force or emotions.

Phygital notion

The notion of ‘phygital abstraction’ is central to conceptual <> and is increasingly being used in <> approaches and that phygital abstraction can serve as core building blocks for phygital objects in phygital environment. With this in mind, the study investigated different aspects of phygital abstractions in object conceptualisation for the purpose of identifying general patterns in phygital environment and their relationships.

Phygital Skeleton

CONTAINMENT: capturing the notion that an object can be within a border (two-dimensional), or inside a container (three-dimensional), It denotes the relationship between an inside and an outside and the border in between. From a dynamic aspect, it also contains image-schematic components such as IN and OUT. The temporal aspect of CONTAINMENT includes the notions of ‘entering’ and ‘exiting’.

CONTACT: Phygital (or sometimes abstract) contact between two phygital objects.

LINK: An enforced connection between objects or physical/digital parts, where transitivity ensures that the linked object reacts to the stimuli of the other object.

SUPPORT: Denotes a relationship between two objects in which one object offers phygital (or abstract) support to the other.

SOURCE_PATH_TARGET: Concerns movement from a source to a target. It contains spatial primitives such as a path and a trajectory.

CYCLE: The returning pattern, such as the daily cycle.

Phygital Abstraction Behind Phygital Environment

This section propose he idea that combinations of phygital abstractions represent the underlying conceptualisations of complex phygital environment and simple events. Likewise, phygital notion relied on the idea that concepts could be partly defined by their involved object and abstractions. In this section, these ideas are further investigated empirically by presenting an experimental study that define the phygital abstrction behind a series of common objects in phygital environment.

Possible Future Research Directions

Future work will have to confirm the findings in more refined set-ups, extend the approach to dynamic presentations of phygital abstractuion, abstraction, and address the multimodality of phygital objects beyond the basic

<spatiotemporal> interpretation.</spatiotemporal>

Revision on May 23, 2024 at 13:40:30 by Anonymous See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.