自治Lab SAMM (Rev #3, changes)

Showing changes from revision #2 to #3: Added | Removed | Changed

Selfrule Lab?: The How-To Guide

Welcome to the comprehensive guide on using Selfrule Lab? effectively. Whether you’re a seasoned editor or a new contributor, understanding the platform’s features and conventions will enhance your experience and improve the platform’s collective knowledge.

Getting Started

Starting a New Page in selfruleLab

To initiate a new page on selfruleLab, follow the steps below:

  1. Request a Link to the New Page:

    1. Choose an existing selfruleLab page that should link to your new page. If unsure, default to the Sandbox page.
    2. Click “edit” on your chosen page.
    3. In the editing pane, insert: [[your new page name]] where appropriate, preferably in the “Related entries” section.
    4. Click “submit”. If the page named [[your new page name]] doesn’t exist yet, it’ll be shown in gray with a clickable question mark next to it.
  2. Create the New Page:

    1. Click on the gray question mark to open the new page’s editing pane.
    2. Add your content and then click “submit”.
    3. You can iterate through “Submit” and “Edit” until you’re satisfied. There’s no preview option.

Notes: - Page names are case-sensitive. If the link starts a sentence, use lowercase, e.g., [[like this|Like this]]. It’s a loose convention in selfruleLab. - Utilize [[redirects]] for alternative case usages in links. - When editing, include your name after ‘Submit as’. Otherwise, it defaults to ‘Anonymous’. - Your name, when added for the first time, appears at the page’s bottom in gray with a question mark, suggesting the creation of a user page. It’s optional.

Creating a User Page:
After editing, you can click the question mark next to your name at the bottom to set up a user page. If you want to create a user page without editing first, make a minor change to the Sandbox. Your name will then appear at the bottom, allowing you to click the question mark and proceed.

Editing Pages on selfruleLab

  1. Click “edit page” to view the page’s code.
  2. Use the [[Sandbox|Sandbox]] for practice.
  3. Create links by placing them in [[double brackets]].
  4. After making edits, click “submit”. There’s no preview feature.
  5. If you submit twice within 30 minutes using the same signature, it’s counted as one edit.

Merging Pages on selfruleLab

Occasionally, you might want to merge content from two existing pages A and B, especially if a page was unintentionally duplicated. Before proceeding, consider discussing the merge on the selfruleLab Forum to get consensus.

If you decide to proceed:

  1. Merge Content into Page A:

    1. Edit A to incorporate the desired content from B.
    2. Add “[[!redirects B]]” at the bottom. If B has any “[[!redirects X]]” directives, transfer them to A.
    3. Submit your changes.
  2. Orphan Page B:

    1. Clear its content (e.g., using Ctrl-A Del).
    2. Tick ‘Change page name’, and in the ‘New name’ field, append “> history” to “B”, making it “B > history”.
    3. In the editing area, the line “[[!redirects B]]” may auto-populate. Remove it and add “see [[A]]”.
    4. In the announcement box below the edit box, note the reason for your edit, e.g., “Merged content into page "A" and orphaning this page.
    5. Submit the changes.

Note: selfruleLab doesn’t allow regular users to delete pages. Instead, they’re “orphaned”.

Organizing and Writing Content on selfruleLab

How to use redirects

See redirects?.

Revision on April 4, 2024 at 12:25:47 by Anonymous See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.